Mayall, Disderi and many other photographers

Joseph Paxton, Abraham Lincoln and other 19th century luminaries, 1860s-70s

An album of mid 19th-century celebrities compiled by someone with a taste for the British establishment but showing interest in other artists, poets, scientists and activists, including Frances Power Cobbe, an Irish writer, social reformer, anti-vivisectionist, and leading women's suffrage campaigner

Oblong 8vo., approx. 6¼ x 10 x 2½ inches (16 x 25 x 6.5 cm), heavy card mounts with paired arched-top apertures containing 91 (of 96) cartes de visite, each identified in ink on mount, some with clipped signatures attached or inserted, approx. half with tiny or small tears to apertures and tape applied to first mount not affecting carte, small printed label of Parkins & Gotto, 25 Oxford Street [London] on front paste-down, full brown morocco, re-backed with original spine laid down, ruled blind, all edges gilt and functioning gilt clasps

Sitters are identified as follows: Sir Joseph Paxton, John Dickinson, S. Walpole MP, John Stuart Mill MP, Richard Cobden (2), John Bright (2), John Bright with Richard Cobden and Michel Chevalier, John Benjamin Smith, Jacob Bright, Benjamin Disraeli (with clipped ?signature), The Lord Chancellor, Palmerston (with clipped signature), Lord Elgin, H. Brougham (with clipped signature) Duke of Argyll, Earl Russell, ?, Lord Lawrence, Earl Derby (2), John ?, Lord Lyndhurst, Lord Clyde, Rowland Hills (with clipped signature), Lord Macaulay, Hume, Theodore Parker (2, after engravings), Carlyle, William Holman Hunt, Edward Beales, Tom Taylor, Goldwin Smith, John Gibson Sculptor, John Gibson's model, John Adams Acton sculptor, Millais, Professor Faraday (2), Professor Tyndal, Professor Huxley, Tennyson poet (x 2), Robert Browning, Longfellow, Charles Dickens, William Makepeace Thackeray, Edwin Landseer RA, Henry ?, C J Cantuar (with clipped signature), Bishop of Oxford (Soapy Sam), Bishop of Rochester, Bishop of Exeter, Bishop of Manchester, Jowett, Dean Stanley, Canon Frith, Spurgeon, Dr Pusey (after a drawing or engraving), Bishop Colenso, Mrs Colenso, Bishop Colenso's son (2), Bishop Colenso's daughters, Miss Colenso, The Pope, Cardinal Antonello, Cardinal Wiseman, Cardinal Manning, Carinal Newman, Rev. I Hamilton Thom, Rev Adams USA, Rev Theofdore Parker, Rev JJ Taylor, Dr Sadler, Rev Dr Channing (Unitarian), Dr James Martineau (3), Robert N Gourdin (with clipped signature), Stanley (with clipped signature), Baroness Burdett Coutts, Florence Nightingale, Kate Terry, Emily Faithful, Madame Jansa, Mrs Hale, Frances P Cobbe, Ellen Brotherton, Mrs Bagshaw of Rowdale Derbyshire said to be the original of Mrs Poiser (sic) [character in George Eliot's 'Adam Bede'], Edith Minna Boult daughter of Mr J B Smiths butler.
